Tuesday, March 20, 2012

First Day of SPRING...yippee

Spring has sprung, and I am seeing signs every where! Took a walk around the yard as soon as the sun came up and marveled at all the green. The azaleas are done..one week of gorgeous was all we got. Had some pretty heavy rains and that always guarantees blooms on the ground. We still need more rain...my lake is so low..lower than I can recall in 21 years. We are under our first burn ban of the season already. Had a fire out here 2 weeks ago, 1/2 mile from home. Started in a dry lake bed, spread to 20 acres and threatened 5 homes. Our fire guys rock, though, and they saved all the houses!! I was at work, as usual, but my son called and said a helicopter with a huge bucket was dipping from our lake. About 20 dips, Chris said. Wish I could have seen it...would have been some great pictures. Anyway...first day of spring and I have to go to work...if the boss wasn't doing taxes today, I would definitely be calling in with Spring Fever! Don't wanna work...I wanna play! Happy Tuesday...HAPPY SPRING!!! *e*


Susie said...

Hello, Picked up your site from "a wild things" Sharon in Iowa. Of course your little jumping figure caught my eye. Hope you are enjoying your spring so far. We have actually had over 3 weeks of spring weather, here in Indiana. I'll check your site again soon. Smiles, Susie(She Junks)

Hansen Rio said...

Spring! It must be so lovely to see the flowers bloom during Spring season. Here in my place, we only have 2 season, this month is supposedly summer but its been raining real hard for the past few weeks now D;

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